Screencaps updated—4.13 [The Warmth Of An Invisible Light].
Screencaps Updated (5.00, 5.05 & 5.06)
Screencaps updated—5.00 [Season 5 Credits], 5.05 [The Eschatology of Our Present] & 5.06 [When Goes Around…].
Screencaps Updated (4.10, 4.11 & 4.12)
Screencaps updated—4.10 [Exalted Reason, Resplendent Daughter], 4.11 [The Torment, The Release] & 4.12 [The Spider’s Stratagem].
Screencaps Updated (5.03 & 5.04)
Screencaps updated—5.03 [Phear Phactor Phenom] & 5.04 [Decay Of The Angel]
Screencaps Updated (4.06)
Screencaps updated—4.09 [Machinery Of The Mind] & 4.09 Deleted Scene.