ZIP files for Season 5 are complete!
ZIP Files Added!
I’ve modified the screencap gallery to include ZIP files!
So far I’ve only uploaded 5.18—5.22, but I’ll continue to upload them all over the course of the next few days. All ZIPs have been uploaded to my Premium MegaUpload account, so they will never expire and you can download as many as you like.
Edit: 5.14—5.17 now added.
Screencaps Updated & New Hostee!
Important news first—Andromeda-Web has it’s first Hostee!
Almathea’s Andromeda Fan Art has moved and can now be found at
Also, I’ve re-capped and uploaded the following screencaps:
3.02 [The Shards of Rimni]
3.03 [Mad To Be Saved]
4.01 [Answers Given To Questions Never Asked]
The only screencaps that remain to be uploaded are: 4.02, 4.03 & 4.04.
Screencaps – 5×21 & 5×22
Screencaps updated—5.21 [The Heart Of The Journey, Pt I] & 5.22 [The Heart Of The Journey, Pt II].
Thank you to all those who have visited the site and used these screencaps to make their own beautiful artwork—and even more thanks to those that have credited back to—to all those that don’t? well, let’s just say the Abyss has plans for you! >:)
Screencaps – 5×19 & 5×20
Screencaps updated—5.19 [One More Day’s Light] & 5.20 [Chaos And The Stillness Of It].